
Bibles and biblical materials are delivered by the truckload, car, package and often by hand.

About Eastern European Mission

Eastern European Mission (EEM) is a non-profit organization providing Bibles and Christian literature in languages of Eastern and Central Europe. Our goal is to increase the knowledge of God’s Word and encourage development of Christian faith and values. The materials we offer are available completely free of charge to individuals, schools, libraries, prisons, orphanages, churches, and other entities in the region. The work of our organization is supported by benevolent donations of individuals from around the world.

Eastern European Mission has been providing God’s Word to the people of Eastern and Central Europe since 1961. Our Bibles and biblical materials have been published in 20 different languages and donated to over 15,000 public schools, universities, and public libraries in 25 countries, impacting more than 3,000,000 students – free to all. In 2015-2016, we plan to donate additional materials in Romania, Croatia, and Ukraine.

If your community, school or organization is interested in receiving Bibles or biblical materials, please fill out our request form >